by Betty Carew, May 17, 2009
Our 13 year old grandson came from Alberta to stay for the summer. It's not difficult to see we have not had very many kids around these past few years but we delight in having him.
Oh dear, Oh dear, this week has been
As busy as I’ve ever seen
My grandson came from far away
And all the summer he will stay
With two old fogies, in the house
That’s usually quiet as a mouse
Up and down the stairs he goes
That makes his pop suffer so
But pop can’t help but give a smile
To have him here a little while
He talks of things we do not know
Like airplanes, flying and things to throw
Computer bytes and new boards
Then back to planes and how they soar
Our minds just can’t comprehend
How this young mind do contend
With things that seem so strange to me
And yet seems to come naturally
To his young mind and in one day
He can take us very far away
Up in the sky while flying planes
And right back down to the ground again
That is his passion in life you see
Computers next, comes secondly
We have to drag him from his room
To take a walk, at least by noon
He seems content that he is here
But I just wonder if he shares
The same passions that we find
Floating round in our minds
I know we’ll find a common ground
And that’s in love that can be found
Between two fogies and a boy
Who’s brought to us so much joy
We are so happy that he came
And not looking forward to his return
He’s a joy, a wonder in our days
And secretly we hope he stays.

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