We have lived in Fort McMurray for 20 years and seen many changes throughout. Like most families, we moved here for a better life and work. Both of us are educated and eventually obtained very good jobs. We became able to afford a new home, vehicles, snow machines and a quad. Life was good, even with the set back of 2008 we didn't find any real effect from it. Life went on as normal.
Then came 2015, life was about to turn our lives around once more. With the sudden drop in oil, yes we are an oil city, things began to decline. It hit with a force of a tornado, leaving a trail of scattered hopes and dreams for our future in its wake.
So 5 months later here we are, with the reality of a tight budget and little choice but to grin and bear it until things eventually get better. We have been through tough times before, considerably worse times than now. Only this time we have a hefty mortgage to pay for, the norm for this area, and two vehicles which we need to use for work. Times are tough.
We are managing, but there are no more extras, no more snow machines, no more not looking at prices and just grabbing what you want. To me we were living extravagant to our means, we have been knocked down by reality and made to take a second look at what we really have.
I am grateful for our home, and what we have, I'm sure it's more than what some people are left with. We have become diligent in looking for bargains, and watching every penny. There are no more holidays, no more buying on a whim, we are learning to use what we have and to be happy with less. Sometimes life is hard, but the lessons we learn from it are priceless.
Moms Budget
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