
Chad age 13

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


 As Mother's Day approaches many of us think of that special person in our lives. For most of us it is our Mom's for some it may be someone different. For me it is my Mom, the one who has taught me right from wrong, the one who was always there for me to confide in. Throughout my life she was the disciplinarian, the one who gave me a smack with the dishcloth when I needed it, the one who gave me the "LOOK" when I spoke out of turn. Even though I was raised this way it didn't harm me, it made me the person I am today.

During the teenage years we had our ups and downs, hateful words were shared and regretted but overall we survived. I feel the only way I got through those years is because of my Mom and what she had instilled in me. Self respect, a conscience, and the feeling that I never wanted to disappoint her. My values and morals all came from her.

As a young adult my Mom and I became extremely close. I consider us best friends. She is someone who knows the best and worst parts of me. Has helped me rise from despair and encouraged me to reach for the stars. Its because of her that I continue to try to be better each day.

I am grateful for everything my Mom has given, done and continues to do each and every day for me. I am reminded every day of her strength and courage, her kindness, and selflessness. There isn't another person on this earth that I love so immensely with every part of my being. I can only hope that she knows exactly how much she is loved and how lost I would be without her.


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