
Chad age 13

To Tell A Child

How do you tell a child they have to cope, 
To try to live everyday without any hope. 

To help them to see that life isn’t fair, 
That it won’t be easy for your brother to care. 

Your family won’t be normal as normal can be,
It won’t be easy for others around to see.

You will have to find strength in your body and mind,
To find a way to forgive and be kind.

It will be difficult and the struggle will be rough,
To be a brother to him, he has made it so tough.

But as you grow into a young man,
You will find that compassion will lead your hand.

For when it comes to special people that will come and go,
You will be wise, because you lived, you know.

The struggles you have had with a brother like him,
You will find a kindness stirring within.

So please try to get through this difficult time,
You will become a stronger son of mine.

I will be there to help you along the way,
Remember I am there for you and love you more each day. 

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